Imagine having a simple and memorable 4-step roadmap for presentation success. Would you like to get your hands on it? I bet you would! I was just looking at The 2010 Social Media Marketing Benchmark Report from Marketing Sherpa. (I’m…
Resigning Your Office can Improve Workplace Efficiency
Improving employee productivity and efficiency is a goal any employer wants to achieve. Many companies think that increasing paychecks inspires their workers to work harder and perform better. Although raising salaries may temporarily improve employee efficiency, what they really need…
Carrying Out a Fire Risk Assessment Can Be Very Complicated
All businesses must carry out a fire assessment concerning the risk of fire on the premises and the evacuation of people there if a fire should start. This is a legal requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.…
7 Creative Ways for Your Small Business to Save Money
As a small business owner you need to be extremely frugal over how you manage your funds. Lack of or misuse of capital is one of the main reasons why companies fail today. That said, priority number one should be…
Indemnification in Mergers & Acquisitions Explained
Seller agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend… Some variation of those words is almost certain to make an appearance in any well drafted purchase agreement. They are boring looking legal words that make your eyes glaze over like a…