
Why is a Contractor Fraud Attorney required?

There are times when an individual wishes to re-construct or redevelop the place he/she is residing in. They wish to renovate the place and do the changes they had ever wished previously. This makes a person feel content and satisfied…

How To Legally Cancel Your Timeshare Contract

That lengthy document that you signed but didn’t read at the end of your marathon like, high-pressure times share sales presentation was a legally binding contract that very likely has no expiration date. It was meant to last forever, even…

Arizona Open Container Law: What is Legal & What is Not

Arizona’s open container law means you can get arrested without being intoxicated. And in certain situations, it’s perfectly legal to drink while inside a vehicle. Open containers of alcohol under the law, Arizona Revised Statute §4.251, is the foundation of…

Top 7 Spoilers To Avoid in Business Contract Drafting

Your business is your livelihood. It needs to be protected. Too many small business owners expose their businesses to risk and ruin because they do not have the most essential contracts in place to protect them. If you can’t sacrifice…

Vehicle Crashes Are More Costly Than People Realize

The last thing that anyone wants to worry about when they hit the road each day is getting into a vehicle crash, but at the Law Offices of Greg Prosmuskin, P.C., we know that crashes are an unfortunate reality that…