
American Financial Corporation

Effective leader-follower relations are crucial to the survival and success of groups and organizations. With the rapidly evolving advances in technology and an increasingly globalized world, leaders continuously face challenges of maintaining a close relationship with their followers in the…

Do You Really Need a PMI Plan?

Summary: Discover the significance behind the merger integration plan and why you should have one. Do you need a PMI Plan? Yes. Absolutely! The post-merger waters can be very rough for the acquiring company. You have to figure out how…

50 Ways to Improve Team Communication at Work

“We have communication issues.” How many times have you heard this as an explanation for unfinished tasks, depressed employees, or a lack of teamwork? Take a look at company and team surveys. Ineffective communication always scores as one of the…

Creating Incident Free Culture Beings with our Choices

In the past, precisely during the pre-industrial revolution era. Industrial accident occurred mostly in an unsafe environment where there subsists less than adequate risk reduction management strategies: lack of adequate machine guards and absence of administrative control (famous three (3)…

How to hire qualified Big Data developers in Ukraine

Consider hiring Big Data developers? It comes as no surprise as IDC forecasts that worldwide revenues for big data and business analytics will go up to more than $203 billion in 2020, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of…