Network Marketing is a Pyramid?

There are many questions that people ask regarding Network Marketing; however, one of the most popular questions that most people ask "Is Network Marketing a Pyramid"?, which means that ONLY the individuals at the top of the Network Business make the majority of the money. The answer to this question is definitely NO!! Network Marketing has a structure based on productivity, not seniority like ALL Corporation in the World.

For instance, in any business in the world they use a Pyramid structure; in which, starts with the CEO on top of the organization, then Vice President, then General Manager, and managers and so on. In this structure, who is going to make more money? Yes, the CEO, whom is the person on top of the organization. They are paid on experience, education and seniority, even though they might not be the most productive individuals of the corporation.

Is this a fair system? In my opinion, I do not think so. A fair system is where individuals are paid based on their productivity. Whom ever produces more, get paid more, whom ever is less productive gets paid less. I believe this is a much fair system. And this is the system that Network Marketing Business emphasizes.

No matter what your education or your previous experience, you have the exact same opportunity as every other "independent representative" of your company.

In fact, even the Master Distributor (similar in position to the CEO in the corporate America business model) can be out-earned by ANY distributor who is more productive and adds more to the bottom line.

In my opinion, and that of Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, Richard Kyosaki and Dr.Charles King, we believe Network Marketing is the fairest business model. In fact, it is the only business model that I know of that truly rewards productivity and allows absolutely anyone, no matter what their background, to achieve true wealth.