The Ameriplan USA Scam:Is The Ameriplan Business Model A Scam?

One of the things that folks always seem to look for when investigating any business opportunity is the name of the opportunity "scam". So in this case they would type in "Ameriplan scam" or "Ameriplan USA scam".

It is just human nature to really explore a business opportunity before you jump into the middle of it. And who can blame them? There are so many scumbags and scams that are out there, particularly on the internet, that just want to suck funds out of your wallet and put it into their own.

I have seen my share of scams, and have in fact done a good job avoiding being taken for a sucker and I’m here to tell you, Ameriplan is not a scam. Ameriplan has great products that help millions of people save cash every year.

Ameriplan has also created several millionaires out of independent business owners that distribute those products and bring on other Ameriplan home based business owners since they opened their doors back in 1992.

I have also seen a load of subject matter out there from ex- Ameriplan IBO’s that maintain that Ameriplan is a scam or have published a "rip-off report" and you are going to see related content on any MLM/network marketing business opportunity that has been in existance for any amount of time….and this is why.

The odds are when you sign your name up and launch your business opportunity with Ameriplan, or any business opportunity for that matter, that your upline is going to tell you to start with your "warm market". To make a list of your friends and family and start introducing your business opportunity to every person in your social circle. They will also tell you to start cold calling, holding meetings, posting flyers and using the "3 foot rule" like going up to people at malls and grocery stores.

These techniques are outdated and work for very few. About 3% to be precise. That is how my upline wanted me to go about building my business opportunity with Ameriplan so I know. That is how network marketing was done back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. 3% is definitely a sad enough number to leave some people thinking it was a scam.

I knew within the first few weeks that those methods were not going to give me the results that I was looking for. That is when I got online and started looking for solutions. Fortunately for me, I partnered up with some real mentors that showed me the way to assemble a thriving home based business.

The key to having a successful MLM/network marketing business opportunity today is by leveraging the internet. You can drive targeted traffic with real prospects and individuals already searching for the products and business opportunity that you have to offer. You able to get in front of thousands and millions of those people every day by using FREE marketing strategies and techniques that the greater part of MLM entrepreneurs are not aware of.

The same methods being utilized by the top producers and 7 figure earners in the MLM/network marketing industry.

So, once again – Ameriplan is positively not a scam!

If you are looking for a TRUE work at home Ameriplan business opportunity and connect with a team that is internet based, has exclusive training on internet marketing – and generates 30-50 leads a day using nothing but FREE marketing tactics….