The Three Ingredients Required for Protection from Scams

There is a constant onslaught of spam arriving in personal and business e-mail inboxes. Very occasional these are genuine e-mails however spam filters are quite advanced nowadays and do send most dangerous e-mails that are looking to scam people, into the spam folder.

In the past it used to be the post you had to be wary of or over the telephone. Now fraudsters are operating online in their masses with no borders, a much bigger audience grouped together the opportunity for fraud schemes is huge for fraudsters.

Fraud is an interesting topic and something that is dependent on individual participation. If you have never been a scam victim and you hear about fraud cases then it can be easy to think that you wouldn’t fall for the con. However fraudsters can be very persuasive, using all types of excuses, offering plausible explanations for the way things need done.

For example the flat renting scam involves someone applying to rent a flat, sending a cheque and saying they have sent too much money. They say they have been given the money for living expenses by their parents and ask you to send the difference. Of course the cheque never clears and you are out of pocket.

If common sense is applied many scams can be avoided, remember the old saying if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. However the problem is fraudsters are very good at leading you away from common sense thinking and often have scams that appeal to people’s needs such as the many people unemployed or in need of extra money. The draw of earning an extra income is enough to entice many to apply.

The best defence to protect yourself, and if you run a business online, is first of all good judgment. Think things through properly and consult with a friend or colleague, be sceptical with offers from unknown individuals and educate yourself and your employees. Scams are constantly evolving to target people in different ways therefore keeping update with the latest scam activities will go a long way and decrease your chances significantly of becoming a scam victim. If you run a business it is well worth attending the next Marcus evans scam conference where you can learn all about the latest scams and speak with fraud victims to learn more about how you can prevent fraud in your business.